Protecting Country Against Invasive Species - supporting women rangers to do invasive species work  — ASN Events

Protecting Country Against Invasive Species - supporting women rangers to do invasive species work  (119152)

Angie Reid 1
  1. North Australian Indigenous Land and Sea Management Alliance Ltd, Cairns North, QLD, Australia

NAILSMA’s Protecting Country Against Invasive Species Program, funded by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, seeks to support Indigenous led invasive species control on Country and build capacity within Indigenous Ranger Groups (IRGs) across northern Australia. Funded activities are chosen by IRGs based on what is important to them and how best they can care for Country.  

Invasive species work can often be male-dominated within IRGs so this is an opportunity to start a discussion on the specific needs of women rangers to fully engage in this space and what kind of support they would like to see moving forward.  Information on the Program and early program successes will be shared as well as an invitation to discuss ideas and capacity building needs with program staff. In addition, an update on the development of methods to include invasive pest management into the Nature Repair Market will be provided as this offers an important opportunity for IRGs to engage in this work and provide long-term financial support to their land management programs.

NAILSMA is an Indigenous led not-for-profit company with almost two decades worth of experience in delivering complex and challenging programs across north Australia. NAILSMA prioritises Indigenous leadership and aims to support and empower Indigenous people and communities to manage their land and sea country. 
