Disaster Recovery of the Eastern Kuku Yalanji Country  — ASN Events

Disaster Recovery of the Eastern Kuku Yalanji Country  (120490)

Claudia CD Doughboy 1 , Marryanne MP Port 1 , Shanarah SS Smith 1 , Nikita NT Jack-Tayley 1 , Bettina BS Schreiber 1
  1. Jabalbina Yalanji Aboriginal Corporation, Mossman, QLD, Australia

These Rangers were employed and or moved into this program to conduct work around the Disaster Recovery, after the cyclone Jasper hit Far North Queensland. The Rangers have been communicating with Stake Holders along the way and meeting the milestones for the Grant. They have completed exceptional work for a Range of all Traditional Owners that were impacted from this disaster. We would love to present on this and show everyone the work we have done. 
